On Sunday, March 20th, Bay Center Recreation held their last event...our fundraiser bowling tournament. We hosted 60 bowlers and many many spectators. Thanks to K-100 and 13 ABC and to all of our fantastic supporters for helping get the word out about this event, and bring in nearly 20 walk-in registrations!
We also had some really awesome sponsors with this event. First and foremost, we need to thank Bryan and the crew at Bay Center Recreation for hosting our event, we could not have done any of this without you! Bryan made sure that his facility was not closed down prior to our event. Also, thank you to Lorenzen Realty for agreeing to hold off on taking posession of the property until after our event.
Bryan also donated a big box of trophies to us to use as we saw fit. Some were usable, others were only salvagable in part. I took this box as it was given to me, over to Gary at Reddish Contact Sports in East Toledo and he worked his magic. He took the jumbled mess that I had given him and created 7 beautiful trophies complete with new name plates. Thank you Gary for your contribution to this event!
We also have been blessed with several sponsors who donated of themselves and their businesses to help us raise money to bring Brie home. Billy Gunn at Toledo Tattoo Co donated two $50 gift cards to be raffled off. Allan Miller Jewelers also donated a beautiful opal inlaid palm tree necklace set in sterling silver. This necklace was valued at approximately $90. Jenn Root from CC Bella Salon donated a gift certificate along with some awesome hair care products. Josh at Love is Greater Photography donated a gift certificate valued at approximately $150. Melissa Graden Photography donated a gift certificate valued at approximately $200. Hooters of Toledo also donated a gift basket.
In addition to our corporate sponsors, we also had several private sponsors. Kathy Boss donated not one, but two beautiful afghan throw blankets which she tirelessly made with her own two hands. Thank you Kathy! Delanie's Grandma Henrie also donated a fun PC casino game as well as a most of the items featured in our cook book gift basket. She also donated a couple of great door prizes to be given away. Thanks Grandma Henrie!
All of this was made possible by none other than our fabulous volunteer! I can not express my grattitude enough for all of the wonderful people who surround us with love and support and helping hands. Not only for this event, but for every single event and fundraiser effort we have undertaken! The love and grattitude we feel for you all is beyond words, so I will leave it with simply THANK YOU!
Taking home the trophy for the High Game Scratch Men award, as well as the High Game Handicap Men award was Rich Bloomfield. Rich had a scratch game of 298 and a handicap game of 320!
The trophy for the High Game Scratch Women award was Tracy Avad with a score of 242!
Jill Roberts took home the trophy for the High Game Handicap Women award with her score of 296!
We also had a special award for the person who had the lowest scratch series. This award went to the bowler who knocked down the least amount of total pins during the tournament. With a series scratch score of 272, Kyle Dunbar was awarded the Throw me a Bone trophy!
The team finishing up in 4th place with a team total of 1398 was Sean and Lorianne Ryan. Sean and Lorianne took home 4 tickets to our next fundraiser, a comedy night featuring Dwayne Gill.
Our 3rd place team with a total of 1428 was Brian Brauer and AJ Coulter. Brian and AJ took home a combined total of $60.
Finishing in 2nd place with a team total of 1460 was Tracy Skeeens and Art Cowell, III. Tracy and Art were awarded with a total of $120 in cash prizes.
Our tournament champions, finishing up with a team total of 1573 were Andy Bloomfield and Rich Bloomfield. Andy and Rich were awarded with tournament championship trophies as well as $250 cash. Moved by generosity, our champions turned around and donated a portion of their cash prizes back to Delanie's Doggy.
In addition, the winner of our 50/50 raffle, Tom Jahns, Sr. (who just so happens to be Delanie's Grandpa) also donated a portion of his winnings back to Delanie's Doggy.
All in all, after all expenses and prizes were paid out, I can proudly say that this event was by far, our most successful one to date! We raised....drum roll please....
Again, there are not enough words to express the grattitude and the emotion we feel for everyone involved with making this event such a huge success! Thank you all so very much!